Patient Monk
What could be expected to materialize from behind my silent lover's oceanic eyes.
Patiently I wait, like a monk in meditation. For you? for love? Is your heart my destination?
Complicated as things may seem there's no simpler definition to what I feel for you.
It's easy for me because my life has been shattered and you cannot quite feel all I've been through.
I've gotten used to braving life alone and accepted having none to share it with.
As discontenting as that may sound it's nothing compared to living it.
I will not ruin your complacency nor threaten all your well earned creature comforts.
Material things mean nothing though when you fall into the meaning of love hurts.
My cliché lines keep me going and deliver you from time to time.
If things ever come to a head though, the dust will settle and we'll be just fine.
And if that day is to come I'll still be waiting in our diligent world.
The place our words have made a kingdom and where the truth will be unfurled.