when it all gets too much
when it all gets too much
turn the lights off
step into the blistering shower
let the fog fill the room
and stand
letting the water pound your useless body
and when no one is around
let go of all your mistakes
let it drown with all the other water droplets
take as long as you want
because no one is there to see
who cares about what you look like now
let it become uncontrollable
fuck it
just explode
wipe your hand across the shower door
write down mistakes
things you're grateful for
there will always be something
and if you can't find one
you're not looking hard enough
breathe over the glass
let it all disappear
and once your tears are gone
step out
open a window
let the fog disappear
and the cold air
pierce your skin for a moment or two
before drying youself
compose yourself
step out of the bathroom
take a deep breath
you're ready to put your mask back on
and do it all again