i miss you
the flickering white street lamp light on your face
looked so
the sound of your breathing
watching the warm air amidst the cold fog
the warm touch of your finger
lightly caressing my hand
as we awkwardly grasped for each other
the sound of your stressed voice
calling through the night
venting our issues
because together
we could get through it
the hum in the distance
as the stars twinkled above us
looking over us and protecting
such a special moment
the sounds of our footsteps
reassuring ourselves
that we were together
and together
we could break through the barriers
the tightening around my throat
stopping in my tracks
because i could no longer move
knowing that your presence
was simply in the past
but it's ok
i can wait
because i know
the warmth of your soul
walking next to me
when i see you once more
will make this all