If your heartbeat were music tuned to the pitch of your individual personality, what genre would it be, how long would it be, what instruments would play it, and how high would it get in the charts.
Mine would be a much loved one hit wonder that, in the country of Chad, would make number one for a solid day and a half and then disappear into whatever crack mombo number five fell into after its success. It would be played on an orchestra of kazoos and have a bpm matching drumb and bass with intermittent psytrance bass wobble. And finally; id say it was up beat in most parts with heavy bass.
A High Trio
The music of my heartbeat is a solo violin, a hammer dulcimer, and an ocarina, high and arcing until it descends in tone far further than you had known those types of instruments could go. The bpm would be tracked by the violin which would vary exceedingly often from long draw out notes to quick sequences. It would not make any music charts in the modern world, but it would become a staple of renaissance fair music.