1. Where to write. Either on paper, typewriter, tablet, etc..Finding what works best for them specifically.
2. Getting thoughts out peacefully.
3. Writers block.
4. Writing for a long time without procrastinating or drifting.
5. Grammar errors.
6. Revising what they wrote.
7. Someone understanding the meaning behind the words.
8. Choosing a genre they like. If they like multiple ones. They could have trouble deciding what to write about. Maybe there is a horror story you want to write, but your too caught up in the modern day "hipster" trend. Nothing says peace and love like blood and gore.
9. If you have written novels, multiple poems, short stories may it is hard to get published. Especially if you live off of writing.
10. Not disliking the work you've written. I know in my head that whenever I write then start to re-read it over. I'll probably erase it later.