When we are starting off a new year, many make new year resolutions, which they find pretty hard to keep up with. Here are some health tips which you can implement on a daily basis to get good health and maintain it. Give priority to your health, as you will find yourself in a much better position than you would otherwise be. The following health tips are not just to be read and passed by, they are to be implemented to gain maximum benefits out of them. Ignoring them will land you sooner or later in an unhealthy swamp.
Health Tip #1 : Do a 15 to 20 minute exercise in the morning hour. Body twisting, stretching, breathing, bending hands, chest expanding, bending and squating can all be employed to make this exercise program yield good results. Vigorous or moderate, according to each one age and ability, the exercise done daily will result in making our body spend the rest of the day without getting tired and be on the alert, mentally and physically. This is due to a better blood circulation to our entire body, especially our brain and heart. You can easily devise an exercise program that suits you and can be done at home without any special equipments.
Health Tip #2: Be careful about what you eat. Avoid sugary stuff, fried oily food and frequent visits to restaurants and food outlets. A good healthy diet should consist of 50 to 60% of vegetables and fruits (mainly organic or locally grown employing healthy gardening methods). Legumes, beans, whole grains about 25 to 30%, about 10% of healthy fats like oils, butter/ghee, avacodo etc. and the rest, choice of low-fat dairy and lean meat will ensure real good health. The key is to eat more live foods like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts etc. than to consume other dead foods.
Health Tip #3: Lead an active life-style which will include good hobbies, sports, social activities and healthy relationships in family and friendly circles. A cheerful attitude and a happy outlook will pay rich dividends in life. Finally, belonging to a place of worship and acknowledging the Almighty God who gave us life, will grant us joy and peace this world cannot give.