Back Again
I havn’t been using Prose for a few months. Am back now. Hope to use Prose in a more indepth way. We’re all intelligent beings and those who use Prose to give vent to their ideas like you and me would like to use this platform to inform other users of our likes and passions and be informed of theirs.
I'm glad that I'm able to get a free platform to share my ideas and I know that you also do. My desire will be to make this as much effective and as much sensible as possible. I'll try to make my thoughts and writings not to hurt and offend others, while making clear that my ideas may or may not be yours. We have our individual independence as well as a corporate responsibility.
Thank you for reading this and sharing your comments. God bless you.
When we are starting off a new year, many make new year resolutions, which they find pretty hard to keep up with. Here are some health tips which you can implement on a daily basis to get good health and maintain it. Give priority to your health, as you will find yourself in a much better position than you would otherwise be. The following health tips are not just to be read and passed by, they are to be implemented to gain maximum benefits out of them. Ignoring them will land you sooner or later in an unhealthy swamp.
Health Tip #1 : Do a 15 to 20 minute exercise in the morning hour. Body twisting, stretching, breathing, bending hands, chest expanding, bending and squating can all be employed to make this exercise program yield good results. Vigorous or moderate, according to each one age and ability, the exercise done daily will result in making our body spend the rest of the day without getting tired and be on the alert, mentally and physically. This is due to a better blood circulation to our entire body, especially our brain and heart. You can easily devise an exercise program that suits you and can be done at home without any special equipments.
Health Tip #2: Be careful about what you eat. Avoid sugary stuff, fried oily food and frequent visits to restaurants and food outlets. A good healthy diet should consist of 50 to 60% of vegetables and fruits (mainly organic or locally grown employing healthy gardening methods). Legumes, beans, whole grains about 25 to 30%, about 10% of healthy fats like oils, butter/ghee, avacodo etc. and the rest, choice of low-fat dairy and lean meat will ensure real good health. The key is to eat more live foods like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts etc. than to consume other dead foods.
Health Tip #3: Lead an active life-style which will include good hobbies, sports, social activities and healthy relationships in family and friendly circles. A cheerful attitude and a happy outlook will pay rich dividends in life. Finally, belonging to a place of worship and acknowledging the Almighty God who gave us life, will grant us joy and peace this world cannot give.
In spite of the popular belief that our world got evolved through an evolutionary process, I for one would firmly believe that everything we see and the unseen were created by an Intelligent Designer. My belief is based on this. Just look at our body. It’s made with not millions, but billions and trillions of cells and bacteria, which are coded to perform exactly the way in which they form into different parts of the body - brain, eyes, ears, skull, nerves, bones, various organs like heart and liver and systems like nervous, harmones etc. We can spend all our life time studying the intricate way our body works in a marvelous and sophisticated way. If you can believe that a much less sophisticated, but still a skillfully designed modern automobile, came out into your possession without being carefully crafted, designed and made, then I would also agree that the world came out with no Intelligent Designer behind it.
It’s Great to Write Here
Several years ago I took to writing. It was a passion which continues to the present time. We can never go wrong, when we write with a passionate mind and heart.
My passion is health, which could be achieved with some simple, straight-forward steps and be maintained for life. Many lose out on this. I write to encourage everyone to come to grips with the health issue and get it right.
I wrote and published an ebook entitled "Live Healthy and Love Life" through Smashwords. I'm writing other books as well which will get published later.