it's times like this that the everlasting stretch of inability leaves me numb
i'm unable to speak
i'm unable to retain
i'm unable to have a stable connection
im unable to act
the only thing keeping me is the pre meditated solution that i turn to
I feel as though I could go on every day in this box
nobody would talk to me anyways if I was out of it
I can sit all day by mirrors and lose myself in the possibility that someone with the ability to live life and take on anything is looking back at me
The looming presence of my insecurities combined with the inability to muster up the confidence to ask where the bathroom is
I can't even walk into an empty study lounge
it's empty but the fact that at any waking moment anyone can just come in
and having to sit in that space that was once just an empty study lounge
now its a battle field between the likelihood of the other person interacting and my crippling inability not letting me feel anything other than fear
I feel better behind a closed door
because I don't have to include myself into anything but my own thought