Love is...
Magical, if you find the right lover.
Love is...
Cruel, if you find the right lover and then they play games with your heart and soul.
Love is...
Complicated, when you find the lover you want but can't have them because the timing is all wrong.
Love is...
Hurtful, when you see your love, day in and day out, yet can't express what they mean to you.
Love is...
Joyful, that one day, they will be yours and you will be theirs.
Love is...
Hopeful, that you can finally be together day and night, together forever.
Love is...
Eternal, when you find that person who you can't live without, who lights up your world, who puts the flame back in your heart, who is there for you, no matter what.
When you find that person, don't let them go, they came into your life for a reason and don't you dare deprive them of your love.