Challenge Ended
Write something confusing, that still makes a lot of sense - or even just a bit of sense.
short example: Love hates me just enough to like me.
Ended March 3, 2018 • 16 Entries • Created by TaiSensei

Write something confusing, that still makes a lot of sense - or even just a bit of sense.
short example: Love hates me just enough to like me.
Crazy As It Sounds
If I had to say what was on my mind, my mind would say you talk first, and that would be okay, but I want to be polite and not get in the way of what my mind is thinking, but if my mind prefers me to go first I would say okay and say two words, "Your turn." See, that time my mind didn't know what I was thinking and I think this time I fooled him. Mind you however, makes no nevermind to me, or my mind.
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@TaiSensei ... hope this qualifies me (and my mind) 8=)

I would like to add a "like" to this but for some reason it doesn't want to seem to take. Anyway, I really like it, I think it captures the spirit of what the challenge is supposed to be about (at least to me) and I especially love the line "See, that time my mind didn't know what I was thinking and I think this time I fooled him." Very cute in a "Far Side" sort of way.

@LaLin ... a Far Side fan? Cool. Thanks for your take and comments. It's all double-speak, and yet it still makes sense, or pennies, or change, depending if you are changing money or clothes. Now, I think I'm fooling myself, but not fooling you. 8=)

@Danceinsilence ^I see what you did there~ haha, that was amazing, I followed your thought process until the 'nevermind' part stole all my change and sense from the currency of understanding. Also @LaLin I didn't realize my challenge came with a spirit but since it does: Yes, your right, this post did capture it :D

@TaiSensei ... Glad you enjoyed this and kept an open mind. Mind you, the mind thinks in a variety of ways, but never it seems to mind its own business. At times as humans, we are a mindless lot. Thanks for the read and your words. 8=)