Questioning myself
The future is as unknown to me as it was yesterday. What will happen tomorrow? What changes might occur in my life? How far will I go to achieve my dreams? Do I even truly comprehend what they might actually be? Am I now treading on the right path? Will my efforts ever be fruitful? These and many more unanswered questions remain hidden in the deepest recesses of my heart. When will I truly grow up, opening my eyes to the truths scattered in front of me. Can I really decipher the meaning to my life? Moving towards the goals I have yet to unveil. Is living in the now really so wrong or am I just making excuses for myself. Still unconciously living in a world of fantasy and overlooking the facts of life that are right infront of me. Is it ignorance, cowardice, pessimism or just being foolhardy. All these thoughts leave me puzzled, making me question myself.