Stop The MADness - take the word MAD in anyway you like, positive proactive solutions only, blaming disqualifies - any format.
Metamorphosis of Madness
Madness is powerful, like electricity that emanates from my nerves. It’s a roar that must be listened to, so I change it to a melody. It’s a scar that cannot be hidden, so I display it with pride. It’s a feeling deep down that cannot be forgotten, so I let my heart care for it.
Madness sparks the warrior inside me. It reminds me I’m alive and to live. Madness is fighting my chronic illness everyday no matter how much I hurt and enjoying some moment of every day. Madness is going on that sky high roller coaster and wanting to do it again and again. It is trying even when you know you’ll probably fail and loving when love isn’t returned. Madness is inside me!