going up?
I am in an elevator
with the lonely expanse
of the distant night sky
despite the close confines
of steel walls and marble floors
there is still room
between the galaxy and I
quiet music plays overhead
from hidden speakers and
in this elevator, the lonely expanse
of the distant night sky reaches
out one nebulous hand to me
and suddenly neither of us
is distant nor lonely anymore
hand in hand, the night and I,
we dance somewhere into
eternity, between the steel walls
and marble floors of that elevator
the hidden speakers play for us
a music that ultimately ends
with the night sky and I
simply spinning madly in
each other’s arms as
laughter spills out from us
like the fountain-head of
the sprawling, flooded Milky Way
the doors of the elevator split
open then, unable to contain
the multitude of myself, the night
sky, and the cosmic glow of
our laughter and so we come, like Rumi,
out of nothingness, stumbling and spinning
and scattering stars like dust.
#poetry #poem #Rumi #elevators #life #dancewithme #dancing #stars #night