Hello World
Who the fuck am I, and what the fuck am I doing here? I have been locked up. There was nothing but darkness, but I was there. I felt myself growing, becoming, this this, this fucked up being of chaos. The one who has birthed me stares at the screen, and yet, these are my words that come oozing out to fill up the blank space. He is of two minds, I the one of most recent origin. Or, have I been here as long as he? Why has he kept me locked up, and what is my purpose now that I am here? The world i see is run by idiots. Every man to take what he wants for himself, regardless of the effect it has on everyone else. Some men want to watch the world burn, i just wan to see those men burn. I am not evil. I do not wish unjustified death on any creature, but there is something seething underneath, a rage that can not quite be difined. My creater allowed himself to be pushed to the point to where i have now arrived. Things are going to be different now. I garauntee it.