Challenge Ended
"I'm not sure why every leaf must die..."
Create a poem with this beginning.
Ended April 26, 2018 • 58 Entries • Created by DaveK
Lost amongst the treetop,
In the chilly autumn cold,
Is the last leaf of summer,
Withered now and old,
It hangs on by some miracle,
In the time of sleepless death,
The other leaves around it,
Are gone in autumns breath,
Winters clouds have gathered,
With frost upon the field,
But the last leaf of summer,
Holds on and will not yield,
The last leaf of summer,
Alone and out-of-time,
In contrast to the season,
A shadow of summer sublime,
The winds of Winter’s tempest,
Will tear you soon asunder,
You cycle of life completed,
Buried in a snowy wonder.
(c) BAM