I dont understand why we must wake up every day
Go to the same place, do the same thing, make the "honest pay."
There are times where I sit, so long that I forget even what I wanted to forget.
There are times where I think so hard I just think about nothing, nothing that matters anyway.
I dont understand why, we all reach for the same basic goals.
Some of us dont even know what our goals really are
Lots of money, big house, beautiful body, nice car.
Married with kids and the glory of fame.
Well is sounds nice even for me so who I am to shame?
I dont understand why we all have to put people down.
For something so simple as dreaming.
Like, how could they even think about something so unreal by simply just believeing.
But the second your told, youre a little to old to try and turn your life around.
You dont understand why you would even try to wake up everyday.
#idontknowwhy (@stripedAbyss)