One Day in Autumn
You sparked a flame inside of me that day
As the leaves broke free from the trees,
My heart broke free from the walls I had made
You took away all the protection I spent so long creating
I remember skipping through the leaves as a little kid would
I didn’t care who saw me
I didn’t care what they thought
All I cared about was you
All I could think about were my fingers laced between yours
My hands are always cold
You gave me a way to warm them when you aren’t there
With the flame you sparked that day
I know I worry too much
I know I spend most of my time stressing
But that day, all there was in this world was you and me
You, me, and our warm hands
Our warm hearts
You took my hollow heart
My heart that was weak from the endless suffering others had put it through
And filled it once again
I will forever remember that autumn day
The day the leaves died
And I was brought back from the dead