My Future Ex-Lover
She was destruction masked in beauty
A stem of thorns without the rose
The most painful of heartbreaks
Going by many names but her own
But my favorite to call her,
Was mine.
With ease was the way she moved
Hips swinging to their own beat
The ground she walked upon, made of gold
A smile, as radiant as the sun, on her face
She was everything good in the world
But then we collided.
Not physically, but nonetheless we collided
In the likeness of two charged atoms
Mentally and emotionally
For the time, we became one
One entity, one being, one-way path to implosion
Because I never knew she was unstable.
She was unstable and I made her my foundation
Thinking she was going to say forever
Until I came crumbling down
In the blink of an eye
She had completely ruined me
And I loved the pain.
There was no going back
Like the whirlwind she was
She came into my life and left it in an instant
In her wake laid the pieces of me
Even so, I was content within the wreckage
Lucky to be destroyed by someone as beautiful her.
She was the perfect storm.