It’s All My Fault
It hurts that I'll never get to tell you the truth
I'll never get to tell you how much you mean to me
Or how much she hurt me
Or all that is going on in my life
It hurt that I had to keep secrets from you
It's not that I didn't trust you
I just didn't want you to get hurt
I couldn't bear to see as broken as I am every day
So I left
I didn't say goodbye
I know you don't understand
You never will if all goes as planned
But I promise all the hurt you're feeling now
Is nothing compared to what would have happened
If I had stayed
You will never know
That everything I ever did
Was to protect you
I know you're strong
But I wouldn't want to place the burden of my pain
On anyone
Especially you
I love you more than anyone else ever will
I gave up everything for you
But you'll never know
I destroyed myself to ensure your safety
But you'll never know
We all make mistakes
But mine are irreversible
And now, my greatest punishment
Is the promise
I will never get to look into your eyes
And tell you how sorry I am
So, you will hate me forever
And I deserve it