The Judge
The Judge beckons, “All rise”.
A presented hearing to summarize.
The Lawyer; the victim; or a pro se takes to the stand.
A prose to elucidations negotiation; ratify by demand.
Expresions to lamentation; a deep filling sand.
A clause to cause; repress, omit, object.
A notion evident, a requisition decreed elect.
Evidence conceptualize, deep sighs,
a murmur, or a heave.
Elicit allegation’s, scorn, contempt, or relieve.
Attrition in volumes, evidential & quintessential.
Analyzing the stipulations; anecdotal, psychological, sentimental.
A survey hearing en mass; our justice finding’s be;
we the elevated social class; by, for, and to penalty.
A injustice by silence; ego revaluated, a beguile being witted.
Voracious financial debate, hopes internally acquitted.
To elate a elicit debate, or to find a scalable mandate.
In Victory or denial; all justice stands on trial.