I will burn the world..
Conflagration; the fire spreads.
Congregation; people lose their heads.
Regulation; no one stops the ill of the dead.
Resuscitation; we all strive to breathe.
Restoration; we all placed faith till greed.
Immolation; is not the way to receive.
Insurrection; only takes from others gain.
Innovation; can balance the flame.
Re-Creation; conjoining how an old fire wanes.
Incarnation; a new fire spreads
Wisdom; cultures rejoin in stead’s.
Sapience; sharing the will to inspire.
Reincarnating the refinement of one’s will of fire,
I will burn the world before it retires
Time is not a infinite calculation
The concept of time as a calculation skews the very history itself through “ precise recorded events” transpiring in history as facts.
The change of natures mechanics, change over the span where energy interacting and reacting in a continuity in, front, and behind shift constantly.
The concept of “Time”, is the result from a expanding culture attempting to configure the mechanics of nature itself where nature is considered as unnatural with out time.
Usually time is pondered while in a aggressive environment like war, fear, loss, shock.
Extreme changes for harvest or things that lead to rot & sickness.
To assess survival beyond animal nature, is creating a stress point in the brain in the animal.
A connection to the mind.
A chaos breaking into a sense of awareness; “Spiritual awakening” shock, rebirth.
The stress created from feeling of a long life, is from the fear of death or inevitable change itself.
Which over time, change and fear become greed and war.
Death was considered the worst change possible, mainly personified as fear.
Death was seen as “evil” and a corruption to the living; where death is natural.
Loss of life is change & a transfer of positive and negative energy.
Where it becomes attached\charged in the physical is its own imprisonment to another source.
Fear of loss is usually a ruling tool utilized by kings, psychopaths, sociopaths.
And fear was widely tools for pressing realignment of people into religions.
A form of control versus a form of celebration freedom and balances were merging into control and morale.
The sense of awareness in nature within nature would advance into philosophy outside hunting and gathering like most creatures, into positive and negative enforcement from hunting and gathering.
Where surviving into celebratory acts was eventually seen as influence of survival in nature; but considered and coined by the royals as profound savages and un-taxed by nature as unnatural.
Where over the ages, we have repeatedly labeled the same general concepts of history life, death, & fear.
Overlapping one name of a thesis of life & death into another, overtime being more than just Beings, rather than natural doing's.
The thesis's of personified reality became part of the concept of time, Kronos\Chronos knowledge of time, god of time, father time.. so on.
Aggression from higher acts of testosterone mixing with herbs creating War.
Marking land & tribe into unnatural ownership, became eventual slavery, and excessive aggression over the regions became to the common a depression & depletion.
The masses for a cause with no reason aside rivalry and confusion.
Loss, hunting, and gathering became inspiration's that formed art dance & worship. Where aggression and fear became dominance and enforced submissions; feasting on grievous amounts of poisons and fats causing bouts of insane ritualism's, eating one another.
Rape, pillage, slavery, flaying one another for a spectacle of strength and a ritual of ridicule..
most of which was diet based afflictions.
The fluctuation of nature: We witness and intercept lightning from above as a gift from the unknown, we communicate among one another and the self, therefore we personify such to be a God; God creating fire, we use gods fire to concentrate cooking for flora\fauna. The flora & fauna becomes enhanced chemically; addictions form from enhanced flavors, body change's occur and adaptations to to diets becomes faster, chemical adaptation loss of general organs for grass eating; lower gut bacteria to adapt to less raw animal digestion in the body.
Chemical adaptation's develop into a higher state of chemical interaction within the brain itself being memory and fats much like the meat we eat, & habits become hard coded; the mocking bird humanity evolves; advanced in tools and practices from “the gods” producing lightning, fire, heat; dehydrating plants herbs medical hallucinogenics and the conversations to the outside and unknown creating, phobias rampant diseases and mad kings driven by their incessant reflection in gold.
And the occasional over drugged cultist.
To dominate land, animals, and people; only to sate intrigue and ego into vanity and pride as a truth;
only to foreshadow ownership as a loss. An assumptive assessment, with burying one another being the price of profits and smoke and fire.
A remade truth to dominate, a victory that serves none, and an endless tale of madness that continues today.
Fields and formulas bend with extremes, much like erosion, or territorial war, and chemical adaptation.
Another plane of field, what we call magnetism, is a rotation of the sun, radiation, and the earths core creating its own field, all interacting to the aural patterns of the celestial bodies causing force and momentum by radial energy.
Where astral is the alternate fields outside of the physical body on alternate planes.
The aural energy of the sun or CME's, hitting earth is creating weather patterns that reflect similar to the very surface of the sunspots.
The earth in a natural mapped out field, can predict disasters which can be located in measure from the sunspots and then shrunk to contrast location much like radar on a map.
Activity to other celestial bodies creating electrical storms, hurricanes, quakes, etcetera are also affected by this phenomena like Jupiter's electrical storms for instance.
Planets giving of a specific radial energy, and even creating a inverted form of energy in stages of planetary retrograde; all of which have been known to their cause and effect from sages & the ages.
For as long and old as the concept of gods and astrology, being the forgotten core map is the blood type & the birth date; from palm reading lifelines, to Falun Gong, the ancients & zodiac the mind body and soul..
Stages of planetary retrograde affect creatures alike; the mind, the body, and the aural transgressions. Even cognitive habituation in either positive or negative ways can be programmed or instinctive reactions to the energy and the changes it creates.
The effects of radial energy is connected to “temperate sensory”; like hot and cold or pressure systems overhead, or under ground.
Unique pressure systems in the equilibrium become to an animal, or the sentient, as a instinctual migration habit.
Over ages and eons, extremes occur and fluctuate fire solar storms of increasing magnitude, bathing the earth in the rays of decay, where carbon dating to read dirt is asinine malarkey due to the radiation baths continually found in extinction periods, from the Deluge to Dinosaur extinctions.
Ever notice rocks and veins found in stones that look similar\simular to wildlife and the present biology.
A fascinating study to be quite honest where giants and animals are quite obviously large and present all over the world in abundance only in the forms of rocks and many of them look much like present day lore and current animals..
The energy of balances, is only as infinite as one positive and one negative at the same time occurring.
The areas of potential are bound by the limitless infinite possible.
There is no exact direction or exact formulation of time aside energy of space and interaction of energy.
As much as the concept of time fluctuates, it is a field of energy based on the radial energy of the planetary bodies, it is not as simple as 60 seconds, one minute, or one year. That changes with the contrasting moments of the universe and beyond our own existence as well as during present state..
Time is simple as the positive and negative energy interacting with the current present form.
Positive and negative energy being the source to all forms; astral, aural, mental, physical, dimensional, and radial.
Where the totality of that interaction inter-loops into sanity and madness as truth.
Positive and negative being part of the will and the awareness; a guide and journey.
A cognitive mind is only powered by the energy before and after in a continuance of exchange and advance.
The exchange and advance being the soul; the instinctive imprint of before or the life of past.
The spirit being the aural energy of the present and astral.
God's, being the energy that creates the main forms physical astral and dimensional.
There is no singularity called time; there is no one formula that remains stable everywhere to every level.
It is all interconnected.
There is nothing to own, as it is as endless a war to achieve; such as a power is improbable and impractical to master, a fools goal.
The only achievement from self claim into any excess, is that fear and death are one of the same if met with absolute consequence.
My thoughts on: Tea bagging In video games
After a round, or during a match sure I can accept the teabag, and here is why:
I can logically see that is a useful attempt to rile me up, for setting mind games to get me to rush my opponent.
I can see that applied in a real fight; and the purpose of a fighting game is to best simulate the moves and feel, much like the strategic pressure of war and a high stakes game of chess can imitate and intimidate.
In a real life applied theory, it’s kind of like some one calling some-one out or taunting some one in a fight..
The angry person rushes at the taunter, & the taunter kick’s the outer side of the aggressors shins away from the body, at the point where the rushers front stride is in range to strike, causing them to collapse with a torn joint ending the fight.
But what I don’t see is the “Victory tea bag” when I am KO or dead..
After the game is over, and some one is impulsively T-bagging the hell out of me.
I consider them a possible closet Necrophiliac with Fecalphilia & Somnophilia with dominance issues, that usually stem from lack of mutual attention\affection.
Because thats what it stems to visually as art being interpreted and expressed through aggressions,& to be a dominant with a unusual ritual to defame the opponent in every way possible in desecration while unconscious & or dead.
Moral compass:
If my opponent is prone to see the world of social manners & anxieties in a game meaningless, chances are they would do the same things “if they broke mentally”, where reality & morality is meaningless to them, just like a game.
Seems a fair assessment, most of the rabid deviances seem to snap partially in post-human aggressions. & being the reptile-brain of cognition becoming a rapid eventual loss of controlling moral inhibitions through anger, and the loss or rational thinking to win in the first place is replaced with relying on primitive spam and taunt’s occurring constantly.
Instead of planning & spacing, with rational thinking to achieve a goal; thesis aforementioned is more akin to psychosis.
Emotional connections of a social nature:
Sure it’s just a game, but people who snap usually have a underlying psychosis before hand and have trouble mantling a mental connection with learning; and the people who teabag from start to finish have usually deep underlying issues and angst, gaming to escape and become unstressed.
Compared to the nature of people with a nicer background; playing hardcore fights, and being fair at the end of the match with stopping politely in respects when its all over, or using humor to express equality, a less complicated, more friendly, and less readable complex.
Rational connections:
I think If you become the partial inability that doesn’t think for yourself, you quickly become the majority of lemmings preforming fad’s and trend’s as manic customs that you accept as divine or devote symbolism, no matter the moral justification or the artistic juxtaposition.
Comparative nature’s:
Then you never think the root’s of such being a serious tie to certain arts and acts; like the people who wore their pants low from rap culture.
Only later to find they were copying a old ritual of sexual conformity, marking themselves as popular jail-time man bitch market meat material for cigarettes and other paraphernalia due to either choice or mass rape, leading to a chemical dependency or even nymphomania, the broken and over used, the opposite of tough dominant symbols.
And about as fast as that was proposed to “being a jail bitch”, people began to stop doing so artistically & aesthetically as much.
IMO it’s still funny in a dark-humor way, of how a bunch of tough tattooed ambitious non conformist’s, ended up conforming to a style that made them look like submissive’s, all because of never looking into the destine of the desire of their affairs, and overpowered by affirmations aside the fastidious nature of following their own Role’s and hero’s.
But why is it funny if you are virtually not far from raping a unconscious person with your crotch? Why is it entertaining to dominate a husk?
Some things I don’t understand for the popular vote made from apparent psychosis or dark comedy.
Halo, birth of or not; what was the mindset of the person who started it, and the people who adopt it is more my confrontation of the topic.
I personally think, after the match of all fighting games, they should disable rapid presses of crouch\6 past the time frame that a normal input requires for or supers, ultras, and finishers\Fatalities, which is usually 2-3 *time’s.
This way it still allows for short time supers, ultras, and finishers\Fatalities; which still allows end game poise, pride and personal flare aside rapid Tea bagging which is just disrespect.
During end rounds they can enable it as that falls under the "mind-game".
I Fully understand the startup of aggravating the opponent mid match, but I don’t see a point for egressing morals and respects after the match’s are all over.
The end game Teabag just seems to be part of teaching a socially toxic environment, and it is unimportant to the game mechanics; we are no longer fighting. The victor is clear. Of which is why I see the match over as a stimulus of a immoral nature of aggressions.
But the same time its fair to utilize the mind game of the teabag.
I get the humor of hitting the corpse in the air and whack it with a weapon.
(Perhaps blame Loony Tunes, & Tom and Jerry. lol *cough*).
But sexual defamation, antagonizing behavior to a shell; virtual or not, outside of the match window is unimportant, and screams uneducated antisocial sociopath to me.
If the person is in fact attempting to tell me without social interaction, that “they wish to fight me again.”
Then they should ask or express, versus antagonize & terrorize to get a point across a virtual construct or limitation.
A game is all in good fun when it is equally placed as fun for; the realist the optimist the pessimist the pro and the novice.
But “Teabagging where the ALL round’s are ALL over”.
That is a socially mentally and virtually insulting & as well as Broken Mechanic that has no place.
I have been thinking
I have been thinking about the over excess that animals eat in diet from fluoride and the rain and the drinks we ingest. and It occured to me.. So why doesn't the FDA actually have a amount of daily regulation? If we are drinking and eating it constantly in our diets; the animals eat the grain, the grain eat, the rain.. circle of life and all that.
So we are eating fluoride in small diluted amounts, & we are bathing in it non stop. Diluted being truthfully (debatable).
If it is so dangerous in large amounts well lets think about a few things.
I mean, its in the rain. over time from studies in the 1970's documented that easy to find on Google still from old research data.
But I am sure that number of % would continually rise and fall back to the crops and the animals as well as our drinking water. Even rivers ponds so on contain it, and it will recycle the fluoride more and more over time. & more so with the solar shift, as a super concentrated version from natural distillation of the sun & clouds. Mainly the storms doing natural electrolysis, and rain returning it. So again if it's so dangerous in large amounts, why is it in constant dietary excess but FDA approved, Lets see, yet too much is dangerous and in concentrated amounts unhealthy, but they are not factoring in one more big thing? Yes I am a realist, and yes I do my Homework on the why of WHO what where when why and how.
And sorry, but I think its selective research that makes these things go way over professional peoples heads. Of which is why people who connect all the dots of the study get it, and the medical and science fields don't collaborate study with weather and aerospace chemical research teams, with solar data study.
see what you can find with the right Google search "doesn't natural electrolysis of the sun concentrate fluoride"
With extreme solar weather, increasing the amount tick by tick of the years.
So then why has the WHO model for fluoride intake not been altered to fit the amount of fluoride returning to the water if its so important for our healthy bones and teeth, at the same time dangerous?
Why is aeronautical concern of radiation during flights a study, but no one seems to care about fluorine possibilities, and interestingly enough that is as far as the media is concerned a hot topic, autism is no longer a topic, neither is GMO.
Where most of it is left as Conspiracy and union based talks on vaccines.
Does A not Correlate with B?
Why are people so forgetful yet so empowered to fight for things but never look into them. Why do people become so melancholy when they fight to live healthy.
Rule of 5
1. Pioneering the aspect’s of a uncharted place:
Through learning how land forms by chemical reactions from weather, and how the universe itself interacts with changing the climate like The Moon, the planets The Sun & stars. The perspectives of the world and how land is formed, is not disassociated in each branch; but has a vast interconnection of life exploring & living through everything else in unity.
Where outside of the encapsulated singularity, is a mission of life.
With meeting itself continually, collapsing compilations of data is just a disassociation of the reality, and therefore limits the meaning of life which is to live explore and Be.
2. How the dawn of the first -King-; or if preferred from a neutral perspective of how a Leader, would require gathering a culture to create a society or tribe through the mechanisms of hunting and gathering. Where the society through motivation usually being fear, & through survival into perseverance and ritual of positive reinforcement, or death as negative reinforcement into law and control. From a cult of hunting and gathering, into a cult of ritual harvesting into celebrations of giving into a democracy\dictatorship,
*but of cource with teaching world wide that would be "democracy" where dictator, leaves a sour taste as liege-ureship\leadership, vs control.
Adaptation to new habits in habitats of the environment, gathering & creating concoctions that became modern medicine through herbs and spices of trade into finances and drug control.
3. Sacrifice & harvest becoming war & worship; creating a psychological imprint from repetition until a feeling of repletion, much like bio electrical reactions; 6th sense; or instinct: a feeling of unease or biochemical reactions in the brain of hunt gather sensing danger, feeling empowered and admonishing those who do not give off a sense of calm, which can be heightened or lessened by diet and habit.
4. The cult mindset: to feed or to return; how life and death were absolute unknowns folding into itself.
The minds of the shamans and advisers, the people exploring it through horticulture and how it affected the natural way of things.
5. What is the meaning to life, why are we here.
# batmaninwuhan
A near death experience
Eyes wide;
Shut inside.
Vision rippling.
Fading side.
Eyes pulling.
The last I see.
inside of me.
My eyes pulling in the last light I had seen; an overhead street lamp.
I saw the inner reflection of a bright exposed tunnel reflecting like a concave cone,
some would say "the light at the end of the tunnel", the last message sent to my brain of the sensory function of sight via ocular nerve.
My functions slowing, my blood pausing & my heart stopping.
My brain a fragment of a fraction to atrophy and then death.
My mind; energy..
My duality before me & in front of me.
My energy moving tween me through me, sparking like electrical bites.
Interacting like a surge of lightning, where it rushes into my etherical presence.
The energy interacting with the ground to where I lay, and those who step around my body.
The connections languished of my physical laxed body; I too feel the passing of form's and form's of passing through it.
A niggling notion at best, in a sense like a itch or buzzing, or as some would call it a disturbance of my rest..
The onlookers, the paramedics,.. itchy and buzzy, like gnats in my once physical face.
The energy's of positive's and negative's now slowing their pace from neutralizing;
I guess from passing in and out of me..
“Heh, I guess it had enough rubbing of this ghost-balloon.”
The energy more stable and tied, bonded to me but..
but now its moving in directions like a force, not like weight's and gravity's.
More like a flux of magnetism or energy between, to where it will lead..
My life..
My life like any other, filled with events of emotion's and energy's of a synergy projected from interacting in habit's and habitat's.
Where the geist that I am now, is being weighed more by the balanced aspect of positive actions and reactions, and negative actions and reactions; not sin, as many speak of some damn-nation or holy-land.. Of course.. where energy is bound, energy flows to where it it binds to the best or, where it deserves..
My energy, is going where it belongs the most.
I am tied to my negations of my self and my life and others life; & my positives of giving back with out taking in return while living as a balance between those fields of energy.
Where the utmost, is where I stay.
The latter, is just returned in its own nature.
To where the light at the end of the tunnel is just some connection to another creatures orifice.
To what rites and responsibilities are ties and new experiences.
Where a forced incompatibility is a loss, and a return again till balance is set.
Where time; far as energy exists may pass ages to eons.
Where a voice's or vortice's are a vibration as was I.
My energy filling a new brain, my mind in a new host, my memories in and out, out and in; like a dream of imagination.
To which is reality, or did I ever wake up.
A cold new world, a warm embrace.
Is the past meaningless, are we living the animals dream, are we the dreaming animal. Energy and how it moves is beyond calculation as is the spirit.
Where light is slow a dance filled with radiating energy.
The energy is timeless, where it interacts with physicals creating changes.
Dear theprose.com
What is the point of posting unpublished work in a contest if you cant access it for later?
I accidentally hit “unpublished”, and now I cant even enter the work because it has been entered.
And I cant even enter new work for the contest, because it was entered as a un-accessible entry IE: not found.
Does any of that make sense?
Are we not the beta testers for this site?
That would explain a lot and if we are, the least the team could do is
“if we find bugs or broken code to notify asap to fix and highlight key areas that need fixing”.
& if you are a small team, then all the more to need people who can say such.
Many contest’s, {Mainly theprose.com monthly challenge}; allows 15000 word limits, &
you need 15,000 words for big contests to work if putting in serious balls to the wall writing to achive said contest.
With that said, you are going to require either the use of the feature “unpublished saves”; or leaving your pc on for days to weeks to continue. Which is a strain on laptop users and even phones.
I’d imagine there are some people who mark their actual work’s as unpublished saves.
And, Un-accessible works, are something I can’t fathom any writer would like to happen.
Also why do we have a spell check window for the title, but no spellcheck for the main text area below?
+Sizing for people who can’t see small 10pt-12 pt font
+spacing options for jumbled comments section
no I am not a programmer, I just use the site for writing my prose.
You have a feature to change the font below in style.
Your user’s have a Internet browser & most of the webbrowsers have inside support for spell-checking.
You have a setup where the below text under the title, can’t be read as text by the browser.
Why not have the read; as a copy of the original text; save; then finalize the publishing as a save, much like the title in a separate window or separate load up so the writer can then “Proofread” their work themselves.
I do not see why this is a uncommon idea utilized, since ever other browser;writing program;website. utilizes this feature.
To use both the features of the title and the literary portion of the text below together may be impossible with the program itself, but a scriptmonkey\coder should be able to
reload the text outside of the program; so it can be opened for manual proofreading and in browser spellchecking.
1. a copy & load for proofreading by the user 2. load on the normal browser; & then 3. saved again through the usual screen that publishes the work.
This way you not only at least have a backup; you also have a chance to proofread and utilize the browser spell checking.
You could even handshake with another website like Dictionary.com for the use of a thesaurus and dictionary on the fly, it doesn’t hurt to ask.
And as a app version, that would put you in the apple & “android” spotlight and boost your users substantially like me
That way you don’t have to part from the format of the engine build, but can maintain a prose user friendly experience.
*I myself detest apple products for being a overpriced rehash of a cheap 2005 hanheld pc in 2018 with out cooling fans {they just use giant heatsinks} and when they feel ike it apple just adds more memory.*
#theProse @theprose #bugs #ideas
A lost Existence
My mind, if you can call it that, or.. I guess, If I can call it that?
It's dancing like tango with out a partner..
Not throbbing more floating.. Twisting, divided, impaired..
Am I intact? Or formless, but I think well enough..
Even, I contemplate being evenly apart; disjointed but, no joints to speak..
My mind rests on the word joint, and a cacophony rushes in my mind rebounding the words of thought Pot-Plant-Canibus-Bus-Sub-Bun-Sun-Star-Moon-Night..
I feel like a figment, is this what an Imaginarium is..
Raw thoughts becoming like a feeling; or... where I am, .. am I?
am I but a shadow, or not?
I see a bright emptiness, well sort of..
It's more like A outstretched whiteness. A box expanding and contracting like a breath, & in the second I think that I see a square room.
The room becomes a circle.
Then If I think the room is like a circle, then it forms back into a cube likeness, but different.
This time a trapezoid
no a cone..
But the feeling that time does not exist lingers.. Do I exist? Am I?.. another cacaophony forms in my mind.. I.. I-Eye-Sight-see-blind
I visualize down, I feel a etching a tablet, of paper? It is smooth with embossed rough textures, I scan over it in my mind.
Words form not as cognition exactly, but a feeling of omission & warning. The feeling becomes stronger, powerful even.. A wholeness of revocation's with name's that even word's have forgotten.
Unknowns, all as if screaming a angry letter.
My mind throbs.. I feel the impact of the transmission.
I Have been... BannedRevokedDevoidOmitedDisallowedAdmittedReposed..
ArgghhHhh My mind!!. So-o many names & symbols; so much invalidation all pointing to remiss and me..
What did I do... .. … What was the Cause.. Effect-Motion-Reason-Place-Person-Thing.. ..
Candles.. Plasma Light-nignngh
I,.. I was a scientist..
I delved into the study of polarity.
Not polarity like a fraction of electric and thermionic reactions.. no, I mean deeper.
I mean, the dissection of the root of morality as a energy that grants choice.
The sense beyond senses, beyond the sapience; behind the psychology & the ID & the EGO.
Not formulations of cause and effect; but the frames of dimensional choices itself in itself.
The existence, of choice..
I was working with water fire and the iron in plasma.., some of the steps more vague than the rest..,
perhaps I am limiting my own self from the folly of finding such a predicament.. the rest I recall of the experiment is a current runs through, then a shifting and merging of electromagnetism etcetera...
Ugnh.. My pain is less than before, perhaps I am adapting to this stasis..
A set of syntheses, I had been working on at the time.
A gate..
A gate.. An electrified vortex from bending the fabric into inverted subspace perforates into itself, like some proverbial Alice's rabbit hole..
and being the sole soul I am..
I went through and throughout wonderland.
In a sense, I went and I saw God or perhaps the reflection..
The web of all, the Hive, the infinite outstretched possible; form and reform.
I can only describe it like Tesla himself has said about the storm's he had meditated to in the Hotel on a stormy night..
Talking of the sounds and voices in the lightning and thunder itself, as if speaking in plasma is a reality of the divide of being and not being.
Where All forms flowing, blood, water, fire, sand, lava, all moving with out temperature's. Where energy is not sacrificed, and survival is not dependent on physical interactions.. Like some eternally expanding husk pulsating, & it undulates the only madness, found in H.P Lovecraft.
Here not as a being of benign or beguiled sanity.
But the linear infinite realm of mind's creating & building paths & paths yet built; which is the insanity, the genius, the Anima the Animus, the creature's, the living the dead, the path the lost; the dream.
The encompassed,.. & The engulfed..
I crossed into this realm, & the door; if you can call it that..
had shut..
My body now a figment of my own complexes..
Where everything I knew, had gained No meanings..
Here lies the truths and the lies as one;
where good and evil are nothing but a creature's nature's.
And a reaction of beast's, is the same as mankind's; a creature one in the same.
I stepped into the bend of all choices formed and reformed, and I thought in a realm of supercomplexities.
My one mistake..
To think that I.. Did not exist, in a place where existence was everything and nothing at the same time.
And all I did.., and what I did..
was think in a foolish Egotism.
..I had planned to write my findings in a book.
For when when I figure a way back, & as any researcher would do. So I wrote In my mind for later notation use.. and so.
Mental note: “I have been banned from existence; from what I mean is, what I have learned in this event. I am about to recall and describe which I found, It will not make sense because sense is a conflagration here. Where what we think to know, we have yet to know. And what I have seen, has undone every perplexing sense that we thought we knew of. And beyond sentience where sapience lies, is a electric reaction of the minds-eye, to the brain's body. Of what I and we feel; Is.. No longer knowledge has meaning; but wisdom to what plane we think is; is but a endless whiteness shapeless shaping canvas empty and whole. A room filled of nothing we ever thought we knew..
..How Ironic that Karma would play myself as my own God, upon a foolish wish of recognition..
I myself willed this paper.
This complex room of inverted wish's..
I thought I knew, and now I know nothing of what I Had known before.
Now, until I thought I knew.
I only recall what I had known is meaningless.
The end