The Awakening - Chapter Six
The investigator reported to the board. The investigator said that he didn’t find any indication that the policies put in place where not being followed and could not explain the sudden change in behavior in the detainees. He further expressed that he could not find any evidence that any mind control experiments were being conducted at the facility.
The board was at a loss. They were sure that something was going on. The investigator suggested that if the board had further concerns, that maybe one of them should go and conduct an investigation without the knowledge of the staff. Maybe they would find something out that was not previously known about the facility. The board agreed that one of them should go undercover and get to the bottom of whatever was going on at the facility.
On Monday of the next week. The board member in question started a new job at the facility as someone who cleaned laundry. People who were required to do that kind of work usually didn’t stay long at the facility unless they really needed a job and the turnover rate was high. It was easy to place the board member using this pretense. Once the board member was in the facility, they started asking questions about why the detainees were so well behaved, but the other members of the maintenance staff didn’t have any answers.
From the first day that the board member started working there, they were introduced without their knowledge to the supplement that George had given Philip to administer to the facility. After about a week the board member started to notice that he didn’t want to drink anymore. His wife had been nagging him to quit for years and he had been blowing her off but now he wanted to quit. His mind was starting to clear and things started making sense. It was clear that whatever was happening to him needed to happen to everybody and it was his duty to his fellow man to make sure it happened.
The next day he went into Philip’s office and revealed himself to be a member of the broad. He asked Philip what was going on. Philip explained that his mind had been damaged and that the supplement that he had been given corrected the problem. Philip further explained that everybody’s mind is damaged and that everybody’s mind needed to be fixed. He said that everybody at the facility had undergone this treatment. The board member said he needed the rest of the board to understand, then they could introduce this supplement to all the facilities in the entire state. Philip told him to go back and gave him some of the supplement to give to the rest of the board.
When the board had been given an initial dose at the facility, for the following months, the board member who had gone undercover gave a dose to the rest of the board at the monthly board meetings. After about 6 months, the board members started to notice a change. They began to feel differently. The destructive habits that they had started to fade. It was at this time that the board approved a measure to have the supplement added to the diet of everyone at all of the correctional facilities run by the state.
Within a month after introducing the supplement at the correctional facilities, all of the behaviors that the staff had tried to correct using traditional methods stopped. It was nothing short of amazing. Philip had contacted George to let him know how much his supplement had done to help all the detainees at all the facilities. George thanked Philip for all of his help. George said the scope of the project that he had undertaken was much larger than the correctional facilities, they were just a test run. Philip asked George what he was going to do. George said he was going to give the supplement to every person in the entire world!