The Self Criticism
The marmalade of an ounce of truth
Subconscious droughts from the upbringing of a generation
“Why is it that I always have such a burning sensation?”
The mother asked with babe in arms
“To think so less of myself, when it does such harm?”
The rhyme and reason pervaded the mother
Judgmental looks from the strangers that knew her
Helped to fester the growth of the subconscious
Oh but what of it! Progress is to be made!
Despair and jellied donuts to soften the blow: That’s the mother’s prescription
Virus that has no vaccination – really what does?
A disease of incepted deception of lies/half-truths/the cold hard cash truth
Spectrums dictate the value and degrees of knowledge herewith known and seen
The mirror is your friend and also your enemy to the present
Video is the time capsule of the moment past
And your thoughts are the prisoned liberation of the future
Emulsify thy being and presence
Lick the embers of the sun bright day
Rain will soon come and melt the smoke into the hills
And the everlasting mountain top
Where Cowboys and Cowgirls climb to seek
From valley to canyon to peak
Mortal beings continue to strive and reap
There is no rest for the wicked or for the angels of God’s keep