Her prince
She stares at herself
So bare and exposed
With a softness in her eyes
And a tightness in her cheeks
She brings herself joy
Then takes another peak
With eyes so wide
And lips so frail
A tear falls down
Her Rosie little cheek
She shatters inside
Like the mirror she sees
Cutting her soul
And making her bleed
She grabs her dress
And picks up her shoes
Wipes off her face
And gets in the mood
To meet all the guests
Dancing in her ballroom
Before she knows
Her prince enters the room
Leaving nothing but the sound
Of his clicking shoes
He asks for a dance
With a bow and a hand
Gazes into her eyes
And kisses her forehead
He tells her she's beautiful
With a smile so kind
That she can't help but
Advert her eyes
He sees her tears
And grabs her chin
Pulling her close
Into his embrace
She looks into his eyes
Lost by the sea
She realizes
He was meant for her