What is beauty? What does beauty look like? Is it in the way someone looks, or how they act? Is it defined by what we wear, eat, play, listen to or how we speak? Magazines show beautiful as size 0's, long flowing hair, fair skin and blue eyes. Men with muscular bodies and chisled faces, six packs, tall and strong. Women defined by curves, numbers, status and what we wear both on our bodies and faces. Our faces becoming mere fabrications as we highlight, conceal, contour, plump up and add on all types of coloring to mirror the beauty which we see in those very magazines or on our favorite celebrities. So is that beauty? A fabrication? Our bodies sealed in spandex and body shapers to allude an hour glass shape, heels so high we appear long-legged and model like. Men and their stereroids, protein shakes and gyms. I ask again, what is beauty? Is it what's on the outside, or the depths we hold within? So in asking what is beauty....comes asking what is ugly then?