The Common End
Take a step back and examine
the linear progression you partake in
notice how the paths on which you walk
are always leading somewhere.
You may choose to stay on one,
or decide to walk another.
Nothing matters of our choices
except how we treat each other.
All of us orbit a fate,
our destiny, the end.
the circumstance and “why” of which
we cannot comprehend.
We are fated by our birth to leave this flesh behind,
and knowing this, many of us still choose to be unkind.
Why do we, despite ourselves, decide to demonize
those we deem so different. Can there be no compromise?
Human beings, living persons, mortal through and through
love yourself and love thy neighbor so that they may love you.
Cast aside you earthly feelings of deserving some great gift
and focus on the live you’re living so that you may give
the love that you desire, that all people do deserve.
Understand that when you’ve died the lines between us blur.
Understand that when you’re gone the love you shared lives on.
Understand that when I die and the Judge looks down at me
I cannot defend myself but by my acts when I was living.
Death is coming, do not fear it
we all must face the grave
spread you passion, love and be loved
and your soul on earth is saved.