Super soldiers
When I was 14 (now 23) I had this dream that has never left me. I want to make it into a book some day.
It started in a carnival, it was like I was watching a movie. Children entered the Viking ship ride, I was one of those children. But when I exited the ride I was suddenly in a white room being injected with something. Everything kept flashing on an off and suddenly I was running down a fluorescent lighted hallway bowling men in lab coats down one by one like I had tons of strength.
After leaving this compound like building I realized that there was someone I had to find, but I didn’t know who. Just an overwhelming compulsive urge to find someone like I had no memories. I met a girl who told me I would find what I was looking for in Atlantic City of all places.
So I began the trek there from southern Virginia on foot. I traveled with this girl. Still not knowing who she was or where she came from.
We were walking down a rural highway in the pitch black darkness just keeping our eyes ahead of us, and something just felt off.
Then a man riding what looked like a Tron light cycle rode past us and went into a farmhouse.
Not five minutes later he exits the farmhouse and rides away while the house blows apart. Engulfed in flames.
This is where I discover I have super speed and I chase after this man.
I follow him with the girl on my back for what seemed like hours.
He leads us to a very busy bar. And I meet another man. He asks me if I want a cigarette.
That’s when I wake up.
It was wild.