This is likely garbage
As I sit and wonder the tale of old.
Becoming of one mind with the ground below.
Created by the shallows of the earth.
Dedication to ones task for all eternity.
Even through times of uncertainty.
Fear rings not.
Grappling with the journey.
Heralded by misery, possibly by fate.
In one tale, to the next, the cycle never ends.
Jabbing at the throat of what is yet to come always reaching for the gentle embrace.
Kaleidoscopes seen as fate draws near.
Lamenting the memories lost in fear.
Miles yet ahead.
Never to be seen again.
Opening your eyes never more.
Pinpricks dance upon your skin.
Quietly you slip into its embrace.
Roaring in your mind that it draws ever closer.
Sounds deaden in your ears.
Time is running out.
Underground until you are nothing but dust, one with the earth that bore you.
Verily, the time has come.
Writhing, wriggling, anything to break free.
Xenia to the flowers above.
Your fate will forever be sealed.
Zeal that you once possessed, now extinguished. Death has finally succumbed.
A murder case:unsolved
The following text is a transcription of events/audio recordings leading up to the murder of Elise Vanderhausen submitted for review to DA Chloe Seede on behalf of the Defendant Anna Sholtze:
Audiolog 1- 3/24/ (redacted)
I met the most wonderful girl today at the gym diary! She had gorgeous brown hair and a smile that could penetrate the soul. I only hope that one day I could build up the courage to talk to her. Until then, I suppose I’ll have to keep talking about her to you, diary. I know you’ll always be there. I don’t have anyone else.
*end audiolog*
Audiolog 2- 3/26/(redacted)
Diary! I learned her name today! It’s Elise. I’m not gonna bother saying her last name, all I had to do was say that I liked her workout outfit and she struck up conversation with me! She’s so nice. I think I’ll add her on (redacted) I hope she’ll accept it!
*end audiolog 2*
The following event was determined via (redacted) messaging.
Defendant: Thank you so much for accepting! I didn’t think you would remember me from the gym. :)
Victim: of course I remember you! What are you up to?
Defendant: nothing much, was thinking about going out but I don’t have anyone to go with.
Victim: Aw! Well, I’d go with you but I have to work tonight :/
*end chat transcript*
Shortly after this exchange, the victim uploaded photos of herself in her work uniform under the caption “let’s get this bread”
Defendant was able to determine the victim’s location via her name tag.
Audiolog 3- 3/27/(redacted)
I found out today she works at (redacted) I only know this because of the picture she uploaded earlier today. I think I’ll go see her.
*end audiolog 3*
The defendant then recorded a video diary of herself going to the victims workplace. The following is a text transcription of the video.
“Hey diary! I decided to film myself this time because I can’t explain Elise’s beauty well enough myself. So we’re going to (redacted) to see her!”
The Defendant is seen walking into the establishment and filming the victim.
“I don’t think I should go talk to her, she looks busy”
Defendant continues to walk around the store, never taking the camera off the victim.
This continues for about four hours, with not much going on until the victim clocks out for the night. Victim notices defendant filming.
“Uh, hi Anna, what are you doing here?” The Victim says while looking visibly distressed on camera.
“Oh, hi Elise, I saw your photo on (redacted) and wanted to visit you, but you were busy so I didn’t want to bother you.” The Defendant says pulling the camera downward. “I’m just filming a video diary.”
The Victim, still looking distressed brushes it off and says she has to get home. And the defendant bids her goodbye.
*end video diary*
Audio log 4- 3/27/(redacted)
Hi diary! I saw Elise at her work tonight, she was busy so I didn’t talk to her, but I got such a good video of her! She went home after she said hi to me. But I followed her, without letting her see me. I think I’ll send her a gift! I’m so excited to have a new friend.
The following police report was filed on 3/30/(redacted)
The caller was rattled by a package she received, she said she’s been followed by a person she met at the gym about a week ago, and does not know how the person in question found her home address. Requested backup to question the return sender.
When we arrived at the return sender’s address, we found an empty building. It seems that the address led to nothing. Will be posting an extra officer nearby the callers house to ease her mind.
Audiolog 5- 4/2/(redacted)
Hi diary! The last few days have been awesome! Elise has been messaging me a lot since I sent her a gift! I didn’t think she’d like candles so much but she did! She keeps sending me messages like “what do you want from me?” And “where are you?” Which Makes me think she wants to know where our relationship is going. I think I’ll go by her house tonight with flowers to formally ask her out! Wish me luck!
*end audiolog 4*
The following police report is the last event of these goings on. We are unable to determine what happened prior to what was filed.
The arresting police officer entered the home of Elise Vanderhousen at 8:36pm after receiving reports of screaming coming from the residence about an hour prior. When officers entered they were met with blood splattered everywhere in the family room of the home. And the Defendant hunched over the victims dead body crying. The defendant stated to officers that she had walked into the home like this and has no recollection of events of the past week.
*end DA records*
Based on a true story
Taking a midnight drive is so relaxing. The freedom you feel, the emptiness you see. It can be a very calming experience and can really reset your view.
In the wee hours of the night, you’re able to just focus on what’s ahead of you.
But tonight? Tonight a blizzard struck. It was freak, and the weathermen predicted the weather wrong. As is usual for the unpredictable patterns of the Midwest. Driving your car, in the middle of nowhere two hours away from home in the middle of a freezing blizzard is terrifying enough as it is. But when you add on the fact that someone is following you, that takes the cake.
Now in any normal situation you’d be able to lose a pursuer easy, but not quite so when you can’t drive above 40mph without sliding. Your phone is at 10% and your charger doesn’t work in your car. After what seemed like hours you finally were able to find an open gas station. The flickering lights mixed with the snow cover gave it an eerie atmosphere. Not knowing what else to do, you run in and run to the bathroom to hide. Not looking to see if you were followed in. You get on one of the toilet seats and you stand there.
Suddenly, a knock on the door sends you into a spiral.
Super soldiers
When I was 14 (now 23) I had this dream that has never left me. I want to make it into a book some day.
It started in a carnival, it was like I was watching a movie. Children entered the Viking ship ride, I was one of those children. But when I exited the ride I was suddenly in a white room being injected with something. Everything kept flashing on an off and suddenly I was running down a fluorescent lighted hallway bowling men in lab coats down one by one like I had tons of strength.
After leaving this compound like building I realized that there was someone I had to find, but I didn’t know who. Just an overwhelming compulsive urge to find someone like I had no memories. I met a girl who told me I would find what I was looking for in Atlantic City of all places.
So I began the trek there from southern Virginia on foot. I traveled with this girl. Still not knowing who she was or where she came from.
We were walking down a rural highway in the pitch black darkness just keeping our eyes ahead of us, and something just felt off.
Then a man riding what looked like a Tron light cycle rode past us and went into a farmhouse.
Not five minutes later he exits the farmhouse and rides away while the house blows apart. Engulfed in flames.
This is where I discover I have super speed and I chase after this man.
I follow him with the girl on my back for what seemed like hours.
He leads us to a very busy bar. And I meet another man. He asks me if I want a cigarette.
That’s when I wake up.
It was wild.