“Because at the end of the day all you have is yourself and that has to be enough.”
At the end of the day I have me, myself. If everything were to cease existing there I would be clutching myself until the end of my days.
Is that supposed to make me like myself?
it doesn’t.
I’m a trash person.
To the core.
I treat those around me worse than I treat myself -
and I’m an anemic, depressed, polyp with an aptitude for whiskey.
When people ask me how I actually am I look them in the eyes and say, “Oh, I’m fine”, as if life is a gumdrop-rainbows-and-fluffy-kitten filled world with happiness and giggles.
Why would I want to spend a lifetime with a person who can’t find the energy to finish a book these days?
or clean their room?
or pay their bills? Not even pay them on time...just pay them.
I’m lazy.
People say, “you are what you do”.
Well, then I guess I’m nothing.
I’m not even sure why I look in the mirror because as far as I’m concerned there’s nothing there.