Awkward Memory from the Seventh Grade Dance...
Once it the seventh grade we had a dance for Halloween. It was pretty fun. I dressed up as Napolean Dynomite but you know, as like an almost teen girl. Now, that night my older sister came over to do my make-up. My older sister is a photographer and did make-up most of her life. So when me and my twin sister when to that dance we wore make-up that would put everyone else to shame. This was really fun for me because I couldn't do make-up like that. So we got there and danced. I remember one guy dressed up as Marty McFly but I (being the biggest dork there) was the only one who noticed it. It was great. Near the end of it was the most interesting though.
I went to get a pop from our school's vending machine when I realized I didn't have a single quarter I needed to finish my transaction. One of the popular 8th grade guys happened to be getting a pop in the vending machine next to me. I absent mindedly asked my sister if she had a quarter when the 8th grader asked if I needed a dollar. He was one of those really nice people that made it to the top of the foodchain. I replied with that I only needed a quarter. He then gave me the entire dollar and said for me to keep it. Not realizing it was an eight grade guy I was talking to, I said "Thanks, I love you Tristan!" He said I love you back and I turned bright red. He walked away like it was nothing. It was only awkward for me...