We met at work in 2001, I should’ve heard people, you were a jerk.
I was flattered, you gave hope, I actually mattered.
We dated, I moved in, with your 3 kiddos, life built-in.
We spent all time together, you, me. Pregnant, I couldn’t believe.
We built a home for 4 kids. Too much too soon, should’ve put on the skid.
You became possessive, temper loud, I withdrew into myself, cowed.
Too late to leave, baby on the way, put on a smile to face each day.
Then came cheating, your nickname was dog, I was forewarned but in a fog.
I moved out, she moved the next day. Pretended to be friends to get you, she will pay.
I couldn’t make it on my own, fulltime job, bills to pay, 2 yr old to raise, felt alone.
I crawled back, you threw her out, I never felt safe, always had my doubts.
I was uncertain but had a roof over my head, my son was safe. You wouldn’t harm him, I was full of dread.
I grew anxious for bed, when you started the fights. When I’m playing dead, you had no right.
You were jealous of our child, innocent little mind. I spent all time with him, you grew blind.
Rage that boiled over, in front of your kids, you would tower above me, over and over.
No wonder they hate you, seeing what you did, they used you to get what they want, then they went and hid.
You’re a misersable, scant man, you were my mistake, I’m still with you today, I can’t escape.
If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have my son. If it wasnt for him, I would be done.
One day, I will have my way. I will leave, have peace, everyday.