It's November now. One more month until the year is over and there has been changing, but a lot has gone undone as well.
Like by now I should have more scriptures memorized. I had a scripture a week, depending on how long it was, I fell off memorizing Psalm 27.
I was praying in my "prayer closet" and writing requests and answers in a box, that fell off after my failed fast (actually everything came to a halt after that) I felt so bad to have failed so miserably.
I was reading and doing various bible studies, that stopped as well.
So as the year ends, I started a new reading, a new audio study, re-learned Psalm 1, and have recommitted myself to journaling frequently to get a groove going with that so that maybe eventually I can start writing my book.
I'm going to attempt to end the year as I started it and I'm going to get up each time I fall and keep trying no matter what.
My relationship is in a better place, my mental state is a little clearer and less anxious and doom and gloom. That is good news as well. I'm just trying to finish something I start and cultivate a good habit off of that something for it to become a part of my life.