I knew this would happen
I even told you this would happen
The more you get to know me
And the deeper you fall into my darkness
And the more of my disturbed mind you see
The more you pull away
And the more helpless you feel
And the more scared of me you become
I knew this would happen
Because it always does
I knew this would happen
Because people are predictable
They genuinely believe
That they will stay forever
That their opinion of me won't change
That they will always love me
That they will always care
They genuinely believe it
But believing something doesn't make it true
They ignore reality
They refuse to see the truth
And I foolishly believe along with them
I put my trust in their blind faith
That only amounts to my downfall
That only ends in me being broken
I knew this would happen
Because life is predictable
And so are people
I knew this would happen
Because it always does