Rejected Love
The moon loved the sun
Yet the sun never paid her any attention
He focused his energy on staying the centre of attention
Even so, the moon was devoted to him
Longing to be by his side
Her mother warned her about him
Going as far as restraining her from meeting him
Always keeping her within view
Yet she would not listen
She snuck away from her mother’s embrace
Sneaking through the crowd towards him
He was more then she imagined
Both for better and for worse
He was grand,
He was fantastic
More grandiouse and handsome than physically possible
Yet she couldn’t lay her eyes on him
His charm blinded her
Burned her
The closer she got,
The more it hurt
She could not bear him any longer
How could she love such a man
If she couldn’t even look at him?
Or bare to be next to him?
Yet this was only the beginning
As the sun had noticed her
Such a beautiful, elegant girl
He had to have her
He chased after her
Shining even brighter than before
Beckoning her to be with him
The moon couldn’t take it
The light terrified her
She was melting
Dying beneath his thumb
She fled
Seeking refuge in the dark
No longer able to stand bright lights
He tried to chase her
But the crowds he created prevented him from doing so
With no desire of giving up,
The sun’s only option was to send her letters
To this day, the sun continues to shower the moon with love
But she rejects him,
Turning her eyes away
Hiding in the darkness behind her mother
Dancing with the twinkling stars
Stars that she dreams of meeting yet dares not to