Wrestling with the Truth
What is truth?
The glob of perception?
The sphere of difficulty?
...no, really I want to know...
Why is truth the one thing we all think we want, but get upset at when
it presents itself...coldy, in your face...even as you read this...
You'll think, "I can handle the truth...who is this Not-so-nice guy??!!"
Yeah, no you can't...I know I can't...and I especially have a hard time telling the ones I love the truth...its a double edge sword...it's the gulp you take when you are about to hurt someone with the facts of the truth when what you really want to do...is to protect them...but protect them how...with the proverbial white lie...
White lies are still lies...how can sparing someone's feelings from the truth...
be inherently good? Does this mean that the protection of the ones we love shoud be done at any cost? Does this prove humans to be inherently bad? To tell the truth, we have to cause pain but to spare pain we lie...
What the fuck is that???
My dad...may he rest in peace, that man knew how to tell you the truth...
"Hey, what the hell are you wearing? go change, that looks horrible"
"Hey, don't go out with that girl if you don't like her, there will be another in 10 minutes...respect yourself and her, even if you don't like her that way"
"Hey, don't go to that wedding thinking you are going to change her mind, she made her decision...it ain't you"
You may not have liked what he said, but it was the truth...he always seemed to know what intentions were...so...I try, as hard as I might to be as truthful as possible.
But I hate hurting the ones I love...I'm sure my dad did...well, I'd like to think he did.
But this has been a problem I have had ever since I came of age, the problem of wrestling with the truth...to tell it...or not.