I know
I look in the mirror and
This pale faced person
Looks back with wide eyes
And it looks like me but since
When was I pretty or
Sparkling with life
Cause I've always been just
Someone just
A face in a crowd
And I'm not all that pretty
But I look at myself
And I realize I am
Who I am
And I like this person
And I don't understand
The people that
Leave me
The people that
Don't see me
Is it me
My fault for not
Holding onto them
Or is it them?
Cause I know
I'm something
More than just another
Human body that wanders
I'm a girl that
Wants and feels
Even when they think
I don't
I am something and I know
I am worth it and
I know that I deserve this
And I know
That you are worth it