The Game
Write a poem about any game.
Knight of Ratatosk
Ratatosk Ratatosk
With his dark centurian aloft
A split and severed soul
that’s not entirely as soft.
A drop of courage; a touch of magic,
“turns dreams into reality”
So raise thy sword, awaken thy army
And collect those cores powered by unity.
Walking hand in hand with the Queen of Love,
though dual souls clash at counter octaves.
A journey through time
an RPG like no other;
Adventurizing the ruins of divine
It’s an emotional rollercoaster.
From Luin to Palmacosta to Altamira to Izoold,
this game holds my tales of inspiration,
and a strong recomendation from me to you.
*Inspired by Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. See opening in comments (if interested)