Picking Up Your Broken Wings
Your wings that you so freely soared on,
Are broken and shattered.
Your heart that you so freely loved with,
Is hurting and lost.
Your mind that you thought you knew,
Is blank from shock.
A word that can send shutters through someone,
A word that can turn your world upside down.
A word that can make you soar,
A word that can build you from the ground up.
It is also a word that can shatter you,
A word that makes you not want to believe the ugly truth,
A word that makes you try to hold on,
Even when it is best to just let go.
A word that makes you heart shatter into a million tiny pieces everytime you hear it,
A word that you can’t always get over.
It is a word that never leaves you.
It tears apart at those wings you worked so hard on,
It tears apart the trust you built,
It tears apart at your mind that is just trying to figure out why…
Why did that one word change your whole world?
Why did that one word break you so much?
Why does that one word make it so hard to move on?
Why does that one word cloud your mind when you don’t need it to?
Why do we crave that one word so much that we are willing to have it destroy us?
That word that can mean so much.
That word that we want more of.
That word that makes and breaks us.
That word that sometimes we just want to disappear.
That word that hurts those we care about.
That word that can break your beautiful wings,
That can bring you crashing to the ground.
But hear this,
Hear it loud and clear.
Those wings that may be broken for now,
Can be mended.
Those wings you worked so hard on,
Aren’t gone.
Words can shatter your soul,
But broken bones heal on their own.
When your wings fail you,
Someone else will be there to catch you.
Maybe someone you didn’t expect,
Maybe even more than one.
It will hurt,
To have that word break apart your world.
It will hurt months later,
You will be constantly reminded,
You will cry yourself to sleep some nights.
You will want nothing more than for it to disappear.
But guess what,
You are still alive.
You are still growing stronger and stronger.
You may have been broken,
But you aren’t gone.
You will heal,
You will smile and laugh once again.
You will hurt yes,
But you won’t be alone.
Over time it will get easier,
It may not disappear but it will get better.
You just have to focus on strengthening up your wings,
Build them from the ground up,
Build them from love of family,
From love of friends,
From love of yourself.
Build them so strong,
That next time love tries,
Tries to tear you from the sky,
Tries to break you from the inside,
Tries to take over you mind.
You are ready.
You are ready for that pain that you know will come,
But this time,
You will still fly.
And if your wings are damaged,
Take the time to heal,
If not you will only damage them more.
Your broken wings will never leave you,
They may be scarred and damaged,
But you will always have them.
Broken wings heal over time,
YOU heal over time.
So while that word may tear you apart,
While it may cloud your mind now,
While it will hurt for a long while.
You will heal,
You will still have love,
You will love again even.
Just give yourself time.
You will fly once again in the sky.