Worth Mentioning Again (and Again)
If the average American believes that Tide Pod eating children should be advocates for gun control, that James T. Hodgkinson could live in a van for weeks and shoot Republican Congressmen with a shotgun and a rifle (where are the Democrats advocating for gun control that day?) that a resource officer (code name for police) could refuse to enter a high school due to an active shooter that the same people who called President Trump the new Hitler seriously want him to eliminate all private ownership of firearms (let that sink in for a second) that Delta eliminates discounts to NRA members because it did not want to enter into a political debate (thus entering a political debate) that criminals never follow any law that so many people who do not want anyone to own firearms except the police are the same people whining about how they are treated by the police to even members of Prose who (in the process of expressing their opinions) eagerly berate and denigrate (without naming specific names) people who freely and legally exercise a US Constitutional right they find offensive (let that one sink in forever), then we are already doomed. I never thought I would live in a country of people who would find freedoms offensive, speech and religion offensive, and would actively work to limit the rights of citizens. We do not need a tyrant to rise to power. We already have minions working for slavery. If I said anything that anyone may find offensive, then you have two choices. You may ignore me and live your life free from ever seeing or hearing me forced upon your person. Or you may actively work to silence me with the force of government not realizing how much power you just transferred that you will never get back. When you embrace my freedoms, all of my freedoms, you embrace your own. When you want to be a slave, do not be surprised you walk this path without my participation.
Thanks - Andy Betz.
One of my best Troll moments of 2018.