Cunt Spill
a future of promise
a hard on like bundled gym socks
in stuffed blue jeans
a future of threat
a shriveled phallus wrinkled obsolete
on Mr. Mild
she remembered fondly
being beaten
and seized like roasted dingo
fucked raggedy Ann
catapulted beyond drudgery
ravaging scrotums Gordian gonads
with her wild fiendish mouth
a river of saliva snot and scum
planted in desire
by a runaway hot house of pink
gorged macerated orifice
a half eaten radish
sucking hordes
of big cocked men with horns
blow jobs $14.95
or the group rate
a Lolita face in thorns
Babylon abalone
mashed by swinging balls
like caped chandeliers
trots a faint giggle
in a constellation
of broken arrows
scared with happiness
one smiling bruise at a time
her badge of calamities
black and blue silhouettes
an invitation like a party favor
without a crease of shame
weeping nipples rapturous patchworks
bled like water melon fountains in summer
every body had red fizz drinks
finding their way through winding labyrinths
of swan song