I was, I am, I will be....
Use all three in your writing however it speaks to you. Not many rules, can't wait to read what everyone comes up with.
Veni Cum sim Et vinces
I was once upon years ago
an innocent one
a youngling
a ball of energy
a soccer player
a runner
an avid reader
a head full of blonde curls
I am currently
a high schooler
a music enthusiast
a writer
a goalkeeper
a dancer
an artist of sorts
a person who is beginning to like coffee
I will be one day
a college student-athlete
a person who goes to concerts
a not shy person
a lover of coffee
a person who likes to work out
a friendly, not resting-bitch face person
a calm one not plagued by anxiety
I came into the world
I am seeing the world
I will conquer the world
Not veni vedi vici
but instead,
Cum sim
Et vinces
I came
I am seeing
I will conquer