I was, I am, I will be....
Use all three in your writing however it speaks to you. Not many rules, can't wait to read what everyone comes up with.
Poetic Portrait
I was hidden
In a well
Feelings to tell
With your vessel
You draw it out
Reaching to its depths
Splashing it about
Lapping over edges
Filled up to its brim
Spilling of its contents
The chosen ones of them
I am poetry
Instrument of pen
Sifting soul’s deep waters
Silt and sediment
I will be faithful
Like few others are
Expressing joy and sorrow
My ear upon your heart
Sitting there, inside you
Silent and with patience
Reflecting ’maginations
Prompting you with questions
Until you are
There, upon a page
Sketches of your soul
Mistakes you can erase
Softening the edges
Filling shadow’s secrets
Exposed in naked form
Your self poetic portrait