Up In The Morning
First off, I have no plans or aspirations to want to give up living life though I have no control on when I will die, I wake up to each day with a resolve to get the most out of each hour I can. Be it writing (mostly), cooking, playing games, paying bills, shopping; whatever it is. I take the time to work it the best for me. Where somewhere along the way I might have five minutes or an hour to sit back and do nothing more than relax and be grateful I did make it through another day.
Is every day perfect? Not hardly, but what might be perfect to me may not be perfect to another. Such are the ways of life. I still try to find the unexplained answer to an age old question though ... what is my purpose for being alive? I've yet to find it and perhaps, not meant to; but I look for the answer just the same.
Right now, I have all I need just for me. I wake up, eat, walk, talk, and write. Now and then talk to a wandering neighbor, have my Scrabble Sunday with a few friends and the rest of the time it's just me in my solitary quiet, and for me, it works. I'm not anti-social or anything (if I were, first off I wouldn't be here), but I really don't go out of my way to "make" friends. Almost sounds like a science project. "Think I'll make me a friend today!" said with a sly, mouth-watering evil grin.
Fact is, a couple weeks ago I was asked if I would ever get married again by one of my Scrabble buddies. I said, "All depends. First, I'd have to go looking, and looking takes up a lot of time and I'm not one for that story where the princess had to kiss a thousand frogs to find her prince. I have time but not that much time. So, we'll see."
Meantime, I mostly kick back, relax and enjoy how I live. Some things you just never want to rush.
Besides the day I believe life isn't worth living is the day I give up on myself and that'll never happen.