Last night as I lay in bed drifting off to sleep, I decided to make a wish.
I asked a tiny point of light, if she might come and visit me tonight,
And if she did, could she please take me for a ride?
At a quarter past the hour of three, I awoke to a creak at my window sill.
I clutched my blanket tight, imagining some frightful thing with claws and fangs,
I was releaved instead to find it was my friend.
I said with excitement, “I’m so glad you came!”
She said in voice as warm as a candle’s glow:
“I had no where else to be tonight, except at home alone.”
“Can I come with you?” I asked her fervently, but to my dismay she declined.
“I’m sorry, but you should rest your weary head. Tommorrow is a very big day.”
Then she smiled, bent and kissed my forehead, twinkled my nose and flew away.