This is the beginning of your chat with IJ
IJ: hey! :)
AM: hi
IJ: how are you?
AM: superficial
IJ: what?
AM: nothing just trying out new answers to this question
IJ: uuhm ok lol
I heard there’s cake today!
it’s Katrina’s birthday
AM: who’s Katrina?
IJ: from HR
AM: is that the nice one or the bitch?
IJ: they’re both nice…
AM: you clearly never needed their help
IJ: jeez you’re in a mood!
Focus, ok?! CAKE!!
AM: will I need to sing?
IJ: I guess… but you can just pretend or something
AM: mmm… I might just come by later, after the singing is done
IJ: alright! I’ll make sure to save you some cake :)
AM: yeah ok cool
IJ: I am never inviting you anywhere ever again!
AM: what?
IJ: you ruined Katrina’s birthday!!
AM: I didn’t realize office b-days were invite only
IJ: I saw you fiddling with the cake when Katrina was giving her speech! you made is spell Happy Birthday Latrine
AM: the L and the e were particularly difficult to make from the other letters
IJ: do you think this is funny?!
AM: I'm pretty sure I saw some people laugh
IJ: you also licked the only cake cutting knife we have!
AM: I was flirting with the new intern…
IJ: we had to use a butter knife!
AM: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
IJ: and you insulted Katrina in the birthday card!! you wrote that she looks old!!!
AM: what I wrote was “Happy Birthday! May your actual age one day catch up with your face’s age”
IJ: you’re horrible! poor Katrina was crying in the women’s bathroom
AM: an improvement on her makeup, I’m sure
IJ: just what the hell is wrong with you??!!
AM: when I asked if she’s the nice one or the bitch… turns out she’s the bitch
IJ: so what? was this some sort of twisted revenge?!
AM: no…
IJ has closed the chat window.