A Troll Rebuttal
None of my statements require force, cursing, or the abandonment of reason.
1. “Global warming is real”. That is why no one ever shows the data, the methods the data was collected, demands a belief, and will tax you to death if you refuse to comply. Remember, some time ago, some scientists voted on science and demanded everyone accept that the issue was settled. Remember, some time ago, some scientists openly warned of Global cooling and the dangers and impending taxes all must pay before the world ends. Live long enough and everything gets recycled.
2. “Trump is a shitty choice”. Hillary was worse, way worse. The vote was near 50/50. Any opinion only represents half of the electorate. All are welcome.
3. “Guns should be legal”. Wrong! Guns are legal. Firearms are constitutionally protected.
4. “Having preferences in appearance of partner is not racist or any form of predjudice”. Right! Every single person who has dated has had preferences in their partner’s appearance. This is nothing new. News flash: the sky is blue and water is wet.
5. Women in the United States enjoy a judicially manufactured excuse, immune to legislation, not found in the US Constitution, to kill an unborn (or in some states, a post-birth) child without charges of murder brought against them and sometimes financed by tax dollars collected at the point of governmental gun from people who do not wish to finance murder. Or, take a respite and enjoy the “Women should be able to choose whether to abort or not” excuse if it makes you feel better.
6. “Rape is never the victim’s fault”.
7. “Gays deserve basic human rights like everybody else”, not because they are homosexual, but because they are everyone else.
8. “Transgender people are their preferred gender of male or female”. Fill out a government employment application and look at the choices. Two, and only two exist.
9. “Nonbinary people exist”. See number 8.
10. “Feminism isn’t about female superority”.
11. “Women AND men do get raped”.
12. “The United States is NOT a Christian nation. (Get this one through your fucking heads!)” Opinions need not be forced, just expressed, maybe even debated. When opinions are forced (Hard Pills to Swallow, But Swallow Them You Most Fucking Will!) it dilutes both the value of the opinion and the credibility of the opinion maker.
13. “Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not even most. Not even half. Not even a lot. Most are victims of terrorism too”. However, whether a Muslim or not a Muslim, it only takes one terrorist to create victims. Concentrate the effort to eliminate terrorists. Then, worry about identifying the perpetrator.
14. “Carnivorous animals will NOT be healthy on a vegan diet. Anyone who enforces putting their pets on a vegan diet, that’s straight up animal cruelty”.
15. “Abuse in a relationship goes both ways, and it doesn’t have to be physical in order for it to be called abuse”.
16. “Vaccines do not cause autism. They save and protect people, especially your children.
(You’d think this was self-explanatory but apparently not. Just take a look what’s happening in the state of Washington.)” However, remember, the first vaccines had a statistically accepted failure rate. It was small, but it was present.
17. “If a man sleeping around is considered okay, so should a woman”, or read #18.
18. “A “side chick” is considered cheating. Don’t glorify it”, whether you are male or female.
19. “Evolution is fact, just like everything we’ve learned and discovered through different fields of science from electrical science to biology. Your Bible or any other religious texts are not.” How much are the tickets for this debate? I would be interested in viewing BOTH sides presenting their best arguments.
20. “If a woman says no or she’s not interested, just respect her wishes and let it go.” After reading #18, #17, #7, and #6, it might be better to include all non-interested people when respecting their wishes.
“If you have a problem with anything listed here, take your snowflake candy-ass elsewhere because I’m not in the mood for any of your bullshit.” Too bad. This entire post might have made a great challenge. More than one opinion (diversity of thought) might make for and interesting read. Pity.
Thank you,
Andy Betz