Pitiful Humanity
“I’ll never understand humanity, through all of its worthless struggles over their small lifespans, they think they can try to kill me? Pfft, pitiful, just pitiful”. Sitting on a pure golden throne was demon, one with the typical red horns, broad shoulders with spikes coming out of his skin, and the inhuman like presence. On its left cheek was were green scales that only seem to pop out on that portion of the skin, however in reality it actually covered its whole body. Otherwise it had the image of a regular human with wild silver hair that went down to its knees, pale pink colored eyes, and rose colored claws/fingernails. Around the throne were the bodies of the humans that had just tried to attack it while it was asleep after a prior attack from a group of villagers who wanted to invade its land. Blood spattered across the wasteland as no signs of life were visible. Body parts were torn off the corpses and thrown around like ragdolls. The demon growled at the grotesque presence of even thinking about humans being near its vicinity.
It crossed his legs while sitting on his throne as he thought about what his next move should be. Recently the humans from the nearby regions have been entering his territory when they should’ve been afraid. Who would have thought that Tetra Vendacias, one of the mightest emperor’s that led an army of thousands would be disrespected as such. For seven straight days it thought about the kind of punishments that it can ensue to them as it watched its demon hounds consume bodies around it. When Tetra opened its eyes, it saw a short human woman, around 5’2 in height, moderately obese woman holding a small infant in her arms that was skinny and looked barely fed. The child was taking large huffs and puffs while it struggled to breathe.
“My lord… my baby, it needs to be fed...If you are able to spare food, I beg of you….” The woman looked crazed, like she had just smoked large quantities of weed and was incredibly drunk. While kneeling down, she was already already unbalanced and occasionally wobbled. She also dropped the infant to the ground multiple times, but the infant didn’t cry. It was to malnourished and weak to do much of anything besides breathe.
“Woman. When was the last time the baby ate?” Tetra asked, looking more at the infant than the woman.
“The-the baby? It ate about a week ago. That’s the reason why I-”
“ Hand it over.”
“What did you say? You want me to just hand it over? Why I never-”, Tetra stood up out of its throne and a cold tension filled the air. The hounds stopped eating and the woman’s eyes opened wide in fear. As soon as she realized the position she was in, she held the baby out for the demon. It picked her up and held her towards his chest and sat back down. “There you go lord Tetra, I have given you the baby now if you can please give me food…”
“Didn’t you just say it was for the child if I’m not mistaken?” Tetra asked angrily, looking down at the woman. “And don’t you fucking lie to me you bitch.” The woman began to sweat immensely as she realized her mistake.
“Y-yes...I did say to give myself food milord but in great reason. It takes time to raise a child and to do so takes much time and effort...I needed to eat too…”
“It takes time to raise a child who is almost dead? This is why I said that humans are pathetic. Your greed far surpasses any demons greed. Your desires overlap the beauty of life. Which is one of the reasons why I kill. I kill to stop the cycle. I kill to satisfy my thirst for destruction. While I have all these reasons to kill, tell me, what should be the reason to spare YOU?” The woman’s shirt was now drenched in sweat as a puddle of urine formed beneath her. While she tried to come up with her response, all that came out was a stutter that wasn’t legible. “Through all of this banter, you have not once gave a response that has satisfied me. Measly fool, lift your head, I’ll get you your food.” The woman lifted her head with a wide spreaded grin as her stomach gave out a loud rumble that was louder than the jaws chomping down on humans remains from the hounds. The grin vanished into a face of despair as she realized that Tetra was standing directly in front of her with a very pained and angry expression. Before a scream could be heard from the woman’s mouth, it stabbed its arm straight through her body. She tried to gasp for air with no luck. With her last breath, she saw Tetra using its other arm to grab her skull before crushing it. Tetra tossed the body and the baby over to the hounds as they swarmed mother and child, consuming them both in a matter of seconds. A wide smile revealing Tetra’s fang formed on its face as it started to laugh at the enjoyment of the kill and thought about how it can kill its next targets.
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