Reminiscing about summers
Spent at playgroups
And chasing down the ice-cream van
For a 99p flake
Going to the swimming bath
(Preferably the one with the wave machine
And slide)
Going fishing for sticklebacks
You always put back in the river
All the while knowing that the day
Your mum says we’re going to buy
School uniforms and shoes
Is the reminder the autumn term begins next week
Knowing that the early mornings
And the nights are still very bright
But for some reason from
The 6th of September the mornings
And afternoons are always so dark
And cold unlike just a day before
Mimicking how you feel to be going up a year.
It’s always the week before school starts
That you have to start going to bed at your
School night rota times
To get you back in the habit
Catching up with classmates
About your summer adventures
Trying to figure
Who your new form teacher is this year
Wondering what topics lie ahead
And visiting secondary schools
So you get the chance to see which schools
You’d like to go to
Only for your parents to ruin it by
Visiting the schools during open days
Confirming your worst nightmares about
Being separated from friends who literally live a few doors down
Thinking to yourself that this is -
And I quote -
But that time comes
And you make new friends
Introducing them to your old ones.
Then comes options year
Picking the other subjects you’ll sit for exams
Besides your fixed core subjects
(English, Maths and - depending on your school - either two of the sciences or combined science)
Mock exams
Exams proper
Then GCSE’s
Thinking on whether to go sixth form, college or get a job.
Thinking, if indeed you do sit your A Levels
Should I go to university or stop here.
These were the most “difficult” choices we had
But as I now reminisce,
I realise with mirth,
That those times were easy.
Reminiscing makes me want to do it all again
Just with more appreciation for what lies ahead