This is me
I didnt have the richest of upbringings, although I was cared for for sure. My mother gave birth to me when she was 15 and she'd been kicked out of the family home and ended up in a really rough area. I grew up moving from one council estate to another and those kind of areas are where I'm happiest.
I love that you can hear the world from your living room. It wouldn't be normal for me to not be able to open my bedroom window and not be able to see people openly arguing on their fronts. I'm pretty common. I would never blend with a posh society, but I'm happy with that.
I'm a very confident person. I dont mean with the way I look, because we all have things we'd rather be different. I have stretch marks on the lower part of my stomach and my tits aren't as huge as I'd have liked them. But I'm still content with the way I look.
When I say I'm confident, I mean with who I am. I dont scuttle away from things, and I dont cower from people. I think that's a good thing. Although I understand many think it puts me in danger. I speak kinda crudely and I'm very open. I come across as a bit of a cunt at times, but I always try to give good advice and I'll be bluntly honest if you come to me asking questions.
I wish other people were more honest about themselves.
So many people try to be like everybody else that they blend too easily. The amount of people I've tried to get to know by asking them to tell me about themselves and it's same old, same old. I'd love it if somebody popped up in my inbox and was like, "I'm a coward. I'm frightened of a lot of things, and I allow other people to take control of the situation so that I dont need to think for myself."
That would be brilliant! I dont see this as a bad thing. I see it as a fact that splits you up from every other fucker. And we should all have these little things about ourselves. I dont take them as good things or bad things. Its our real personalities.
I'm common, crude, messy, and I'm not that intelligent. I'm clever where I feel I need to be and I'm good with people. I like to study peoples minds. Hence my strong interest in psychology.
I will lie, fight and completely destroy for the people I respect and care about. But on the other hand, I'm pretty damned honest where it counts, and I'm loyal.
So... tell me something that frightens you.
I have an unusual fear of Ronald McDonald. Yes, it may be laughable. But its real.
I love tarantulas. I desperately want one, but my daughter is terrified of them. And i like music that my grandmother likes to call Musical pornography.
I hope to see more of these truth posts. It's something we can build on and make beautiful. Be you. Be the best you.
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