ridicoulous poem
negiation for everything
every moment why should do this task
but those negitations led to drown
in negative hellinistic world
that i turn so insane
in doing routine core of not mudding up beautiful home
but my ownself in messed up form
untied, uncombed hairs like a mad doll.
trolling in home here and there
how can now i regain sweet beautiful
form what i used to behold
untill the time i learned
to frown at every tiny job
how to delearn when i turn around like a mad doll
still snail and roar all around
entire home
is this my inner soul
what try to reroll my beauty form
when i move outside and socialize myself
with aquatiences and non aquantieces
self consiciousness of being presentable
cakewalk without any worry
but those mean no more
new social world led me to new frown.
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